It’s not just a life of obedience,its a life of submission
My mission- “to be the subject of HIS mission”
It’s not just when His will becomes my command, its when his silence becomes mine
‘I ONLY do that which I see the father do’ and if He does nothing I follow suit
It’s not just when I take up His will but first, when I lay down my will
‘Not my will but thy will be done’, not just His instruction but His intention
It’s the rough road but an easy journey
It’s the Lord’s yoke; He is the Judge yet your Attorney
Trusting with my heart what I yet know with my head
If I have to wait till I know with my head it maybe too late to make amends
The Knowledge of it’s end doesn’t guarantee the route
Whichever way He takes me through it guarantees the end.
The Yielded life, one where ravens fly
Bringing from far and nigh, my daily supply
One with innumerable coincidences ; Man’s definition for the divine orchestration of His ordinances
Are you tired of the meanders of life; the suffering and strife
Would you choose to part-ways with your present life?
Take a breather, come hither
Let me introduce you to the pathway called a Yielded Life
It’s the deepest walk of faith
It’s HIS offer, your’s to take
Bankole Williams