
Uncovered – Why The Poor Remain Poor (Part 2)

A couple of weeks back I met a charismatic black American CEO. This guy’s finesse & sense of style was 10 over 10. He looked like he walked out of a GQ magazine. Carlos was the kinda guy every guy wanted to be like. I still recall the day I met him, as he talked […]

Uncovered – Why The Poor Remain Poor (Part 1)

So I downloaded a new app which for some weird reason rearranged the icons on my screen. This morning, whilst searching for my ‘Notes’ app, I struggled to find it. For a minute, my MUSCLE memory was rendered redundant and I had to use my BRAIN again. Smh I eventually found it and started taking […]

How I Got A Power Bike

This BICYCLE POWER(ed) by my feet (sue me 😑) is a road BIKE made for easy acceleration on smooth roads. Interestingly, because of my interest in cycling, I have been seeing cyclists everywhere – on magazines, on TV and on the road. Last Sunday, there was unusual traffic on the Lekki-Epe expressway & as I […]


1) That which you RESIST with your HEART, you cannot RECEIVE into your HANDS 2) Saying you are NOT CREATIVE’ is to DENY the very NATURE of GOD in you! By DESIGN all men are CREATIVE but few ACTIVATE this through IMAGINATION 3) You cannot FULLY experience JOY without CREATION! For to CREATE and to […]


A few months ago, I decided to go on a ‘mystery visit’ to a certain Bank in Akure. Apparently, this bank had it’s assigned mystery shoppers; people pretending to be normal customers but are spies sent by the Management. I was not one of them but as a trainer to that organization, I was merely […]

Excerpt from Cupcakes for Your Soul

Day 29 – Snickerdoodle #HardKnocks 1) What PRICE-TAG can we place on any HUMAN? 2) No amount of material possession can PURCHASE a SOUL- what does it PROFIT you to GAIN the WORLD yet LOSE a SOUL? 3) IDLENESS never REVEALS the TRUE WORTH of a RESOURCE (natural or human), however DEPLOYMENT does! 4) David’s […]

Dent The Universe

About a year ago, I watched the video of Beyonce’s Performance at the United Nations World Humanitarian Day and I was so stirred up that I had to type this message . It’s a track on her album titled “I was here”. The title ‘I was Here’ initially reminded me of the ‘good old’ days […]


Yesterday, I was driving on Bar Beach Road and I looked to the left and saw at least 5 gigantic cranes in action. So much construction going on at the Eko Atlantic city! Do you remember the ocean surge a few years ago. A seeming threat it was back then and many considered it a […]

How a kid meets KINGS

THIS made me humble… ‎ So a couple days back I facilitated a training for a bank. As we were doing the introductions, someone walked in and I almost dropped the wireless controller for the projector. He was a man I greatly respected (and still do) ; I felt ‘unworthy’ to tie his shoe laces, […]