
God Has a Sense of Humour

He is indeed a master chess player; a master puppeteer, pulling strings today for our benefit tomorrow. He may tell you to make a turn today that makes no sense but it would lead you to a destination 2 years from now that makes too much sense.

So a friend who used to work with me called me yesterday. He said ‘Bankole THANK YOU!’ I hadn’t done anything for him so I became curious. He said ‘Thank you for sending me to Colonades Hotel several months ago’. I was shocked. ‘Who gives gratitude for being sent on an errand’ I wondered. 

Apparently, yesterday he had an important interview at the hotel and he was able to locate it because he had been there before. He was running late, had barely 5mins to get there, he hopped on a bike, directed the bike man and arrived there just before the door was closed.

I could not help but see the ‘ways of God’ through his experience. Sometimes in life God gives you an instruction today that is ultimately for your benefit tomorrow. He being omniscient and all knowing recognises the importance of that ‘seemingly silly’ instruction in the larger scheme of things.

He is indeed a master chess player; a master puppeteer, pulling strings today for our benefit tomorrow. He may tell you to make a turn today that makes no sense but it would lead you to a destination 2 years from now that makes too much sense.

God does not give you instructions merely for what he wants you to do but primarily for what he wants to do FOR YOU. Such an amazing God we serve.

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