5 years ago and look at how handsome I still looked. 😊😋

This throwback reminds me of a true story a friend of mine called Sola told me a few months back. Apparently,  Sola bought a new phone and narrated what ensued at the office after the purchase of this phone.

Everybody gathered round to pay homage to Sola’s new acquisition. Some came congratulated her, others observed in awe at her ‘baby’

‘Egole (meaning – how much in Igbo)’, one of her colleagues asked. ‘N220k’ my friend responded.

‘What?? For a mere phone?? Nonsense!’ Numi retorted.

‘Relax Numi, some people buy iPhones of N400k and I believe one day you will be able to afford one’ Sola said

‘God forbid it’, screamed Numi. Sola could not help but notice the SPONTANEITY of Numi’s response and her DISGUST

At this point in Sola’s narration, I had to stop her. ‘Numi said God forbid??’.

Now I do understand that 400k may have seemed like too much for her to spend on a device but my concern was her auto-response – ‘God forbid it’

Unknowingly with her words, she may just have disqualified herself from being wealthy enough that 400k is insignificant. What is 400k to a Networth of N400 Billion?

Now, please do not miss the point. Whether 400k is too much or too small to spend on a phone is NOT the point (less my timeline be filled with points for or against this motion)

My real issue is her AUTO-reaction to being able to AFFORD 400k on something she at this point considers insignificant.

Your hands cannot receive what your heart refuses. If you cannot receive a dimension of wealth in your heart (even though your present reality reflects contrary) you push it further away from you.

Just like I observed, you can know this by a person’s INSTANTANEOUS EMOTIONAL response towards another person’s acquisition of wealth. It reveals the STATUS of the heart concerning a  subject.

Out of the ABUNDANCE (or LACK thereof) of the HEART, the mouth AUTO responds EMOTIONALLY  to situations

NB- Characters in the story are real but names aren’t.

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