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Have you ever DESIRED something yet found yourself working against your desires? Have you desired to achieve a goal, break a habit, an addiction, a behavioural pattern or a Phobia yet you STRUGGLE?

I once heard someone say out of frustration ‘life is just a pot of beans, you want something yet get the contrary’. This can be pretty frustrating yet people go through this because they are unaware that they are running a PROGRAM. Like computers, our lives are just a reflection of the seemingly uncontrollable ‘garbage in, garbage out’ theory.

What you have taken in from your past experiences has created your mindset which is responsible for the results you produce today. Your mindSET is your FIXED mental disposition that PREDETERMINES your responses to certain situations.

Truth be told, a lot of us are FIXED in our ways but we don’t realize it. We have a fixed way we brush our teeth, we bathe, start our cars and a fixed way we respond to the bus driver who cuts dangerously close.

This is so instructive because we can DESIRE new things yet REPEAT old patterns and experience frustration because we seem to SABOTAGE our goals. The fact is a lot of our behavioural patterns find their ROOTS in past experiences lodged in our UNCONSCIOUS minds yet we keep dealing with the SHOOTS. A river that is cluttered won’t flow.

This is the reason I organize the Mindset Makeover Masterclass; to help people uncover the root causes of behaviour and to help them break existing patterns and install new ones. Join me on Saturday April 9, 2016 as I help you discover the secrets to mental transformation.

Venue: Simply African place, no 19 Fola Osibo street, Lekki Phase 1
Time: 9am

Fee: N30,000
(Registrations before the March 25 get 30% Discount)
To register, call Oluchi on 08096581956 or email bankole@bankole@localhost/bankolewilliams

Please note it’s an exclusive class for 30 people (limited seats available)

Feel free to share with someone who needs this

Bankole Williams


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