Accelerate 2

I worked with GTBANK’s Human Resources Group for some years and one of my tasks was to review proposals. We had loads of them come in daily and one thing I noticed was how I made unconscious judgments from the 1st page. Some proposals had great content, poor structure and packaging while others had great packaging and lacked content or even structure.

I left the banking industry in 2009 and now as a Management Consultant, I have found myself on the other side of the divide; I write proposals to banks. I have done business with over 11 banks since I started my business in 2011 and most of the business relationships started from a single document – a KILLER PROPOSAL.

The ESSENCE of a proposal is to get the APPRAISER to nod his head in AGREEMENT as he flips through every page. My experience as an APPRAISER of proposals  has helped me know what approach to take to CATCH the attention of the PROSPECT and to persuade him with my suggestions.

To help you get your CLIENTS to always say YES! ACCELERATE Teleseminars with Bankole Williams presents “WRITING KILLER PROPOSALS”

DATE: WED June 10, 2015

TIME: 7.30pm

FEE N5,000

Because its a “teleseminar” it can be streamed LIVE on any kind of device(Phone, tablet, computer) with little data. It’s audio and you’ll have access to the slides during the seminar.

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To register call Jide on 08153990577. Once you have registered, your access details and the link for the teleseminar will be sent to you.

I look forward to receiving you on this platform.

Bankole Williams
Twitter: @iambankole
Pin:2BAB5797                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mail: bankole@localhost/bankolewilliams

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